Healthy Digestion That Will Support Children's Brain Development

Provision of nutritious food intake for children, will support a healthy digestive tract. If that has been fulfilled, then brain development will take place optimally. There are several areas that develop in the child's brain, namely the area of logical thinking, remembering, language, emotions, behavior and motor skills. Besides being determined by genetics, brain development is very dependent on various things experienced by children and needs to be supported by quality nutritional intake.

Supports Smart Children

The brain has an important function for humans, namely as the center of all organ activities found in the human body, also acts as a center of thinking, regulating the movement of muscles, the ability of creativity, analytical power, and balance. So of course brain development from an early age becomes important to note, considering this will accompany various processes such as the growth of children to roll, crawl to walk, and also determine their creativity and thinking power.

Healthy Digestion Aids in Brain Development in Children

A healthy digestive system will help determine the functioning of the brain. It is known that there is a two-way communication link between the brain and the nervous system that regulates digestion. This relationship is called a gut-brain connection, which connects the cognitive and emotional centers of the brain with the functions of the digestive system, and vice versa. The hormones in the digestive tract, energy metabolism and the intake of calories absorbed by digestion, as well as the nutritional content contained in the intake that is digested, are some important things that affect the relationship between the digestive tract and the brain. Signals from the digestive system will be sent to the brain if there are indications of interference. Conversely, the performance of the digestive system is also disrupted if brain function is problematic. So giving quality and quantity of food and beverage intake to children needs special attention, so that in addition to containing good nutrition for digestion, it must also be sufficient to support growth and development, including brain development, so that children can grow up healthy and smart.

C'mon, Support Healthy Digestive Channels in Children

Mother can maintain the health of the digestive system in children by providing healthy food intake for children. For children who are given growth milk, mothers can choose growth milk that is equipped with fiber and prebiotics. Both of these ingredients are useful in supporting the digestive health of children. Also pay attention to other ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, or the content of fish oil or omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA, EPA, and ALA which are believed to be able to support endurance and brain development. Consult with your pediatrician, to get additional nutritional recommendations that are appropriate for their needs. So of course Mother can ensure that the baby gets a balanced nutritional intake on a regular basis, regular physical activity, and has adequate rest patterns, so that children can grow up healthy while learning and playing happily. Do not let your child suffer because of a disturbed digestive system. Immediately deal with digestive disorders in children, to avoid more serious symptoms, such as diarrhea, vomiting, and changes in children's behavior. By maintaining digestive health, the absorption of nutrients for the brain can be optimal, the child's mood is maintained, so it has a more effective responsiveness, to support its growth and development.


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